Shipping & Delivery
1. Do you ship worldwide?
Yes. SDEER ships to most countries and regions worldwide.
2. What should I do if my package is missing?
If you have not received your package, please be sure to track your package using the tracking number received via email. You also can contact our customer service team for more
3. How do you ship the packages?
Packages from warehouse will be shipped by CNE Express, SF International or USPS Express which is safe and reliable.
4. Can I get my order delivered faster?
Sorry, currently we do not have any service available to expedite the order delivery. In future, if we are offering such service , you will receive a communication from our end.
5. Can I update the shipping address?
Normally we will only ship to the address entered when the order was originally placed. Let’s contact as soon as possible if you need to update the shipping address--e-mail us
6. What should I do if my goods are damaged, or if I do not receive what I ordered?
In this event, please be sure to contact SDEER Customer Service ( before returning the item. They will guide you regarding the procedure to follow.
7. How much is the shipping cost?
Generally speaking, the total shipping cost will depend on the following factors:The shipment method you choose;The destination country that the package ships to;Our advice is to log in to your account, add the items to your cart and then view the shipping fee which will be automatically calculated and displayed.
8. Where will my order be shipped from?
We have factories in China, France and Hong Kong. Items will be sent randomly according to factorie's real-time inventory.